The year in movies has started out with a bang or two and a few duds too. I have high expectations for the rest of 2015. Any year with a new James Bond film is already ahead of other years. 2015 promises not only Spectre, but at least five other spy related films. We can also look forward to two films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and a new Star Wars Film. What more can you ask for from a year in movies?
We at Screen Writer Ink have been feasting on those film clip snacks Hollywood feeds us called trailers and it appears that some very interesting movies are coming in the year ahead. The following is just brief list of movies that look interesting and we hope are as good as the previews.
May 8
The D Train Jack Black looks like he is in good comic form.
Hot Pursuit. Very funny previews and two hot stars.
Maggie The previews are creepy See our Review here- Review of Maggie
Pound of Flesh Jean-Claude Van Damme ‘s new Action flick looks good.
May 15
Mad Max: Fury Road The previews are crazy sick.
Pitch Perfect 2 The first film was sweet and funny. Hoping for a repeat performance
Area 51 Highly intelligent 20 some things doing stupid shit after breaking into Area 51
Good Kill I happened to catch an advanced screening of this one and it is very compelling, worth a look.
May 22
Poltergeist The original was not too bad. Hoping for some new scares
Tomorrowland This may be great or a huge turd.
The Vatican Tapes Previews are kind of creepy.
May 29
Aloha Not a big Cameron Crowe fan, but this looks funny.
San Andreas The Rock in an earthquake movie? A match made in heaven.
Barely Lethal I happened to catch an advanced screen of this one and was pleasantly surprised . Check it out
Survivor The preview looks action packed and Pierce Brosnan as the villain? Plus Milla Jovovich ! I’m in.
June 2015
June 3
Entourage I was a casual fan of the series and have casual interest in the feature film.
June 5
Insidious: Chapter 3 The previous two films have been so so on the scare meter.
Spy I love spy movies and funny movies. This is both!
Love & Mercy Now we know why John Cusack skipped Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Looks Interesting.
June 12
Jurassic World Dinosaurs and destruction!
June 19
Dope Teen comedy in south LA, 3 nerds, pounds of drugs and hot girls. Party time.
June 26
Ted 2 I wasn’t sold after the first trailer, but the newest one has some funny gags.
Big Game Sammy Jack Jackson as the president? Who would have thought of that?
July 2015
July 1
Magic Mike XXL Magic Mike was actually not a bad movie. We’ll give it a chance
Terminator: Genisys. Good action packed previews, Arnold and it is a Terminator movie.
July 10
The Gallows Looking for a good horror film? Maybe this will be one.
Self/less Ryan Reynolds in a scifi thriller. Previews are good.
Tangerine A transsexual call girl having a really bad day. A coin flip on this one.
July 17
Ant-Man The Ant-Man comic is cool and so is Paul Rudd.
Trainwreck The trailer is funny and made me interested in the film. Date Night movie?
Mr. Holmes Looks very serious and mysterious too. Counter programming to action movies
July 24
Paper Towns Coming of age and solving a mystery. No talking great Dane though.
Pixels This looks a little lame. Might be beeter than the trailer indicates
Southpaw Jake Gyllenhaal not super buff to portay a champion boxer fallen from grace.
Irrational Man A new Woody Allen movie that may be good.
July 29
Vacation Funny or flop?
July 31
The Gift Beware of old friends bearing gifts.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation The trailers are over the top spy action fun.
Tune in Tomorrow for More!
Screen Writer Ink
Fade In Is Just The Beginning