Comedy films are very popular if done right, but good comedy is hard to do. There are several sub genres of Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Farce, The Unlucky Fool and Buddy are just a few types of Comedies.
Most Comedy stories are based on misinformation. This can be in the form of a lie, a misunderstanding, the lack of valid information or just plain ignorance. Think of Romantic Comedies, usually the would be lovers are thrust together under some type of false pretext. The popular guy has a bet he can turn the nerdy girl into the prom queen and falls in love along the way. She finds out about the bet, they fight, but makeup as the final credits roll. A lying lawyer is unable to tell lies because his son made a wish. The lawyer can’t admit to everyone he has this small problem, so must become a more honest person to win the big case and the love of his son. Members of a bachelor party wake up with no memory of the wild night they had , but must find out fast to rescue the groom. The entire Hang Over movie is nothing but misinformation. Many laughs and dollars were generated from the four friends trying to find out the truth about the night before.
Like Horror, Comedy must also tread lightly with the Suspension of Disbelief; there is only so long before the lie is revealed or the audience begins to wonder how dumb your characters are for not finding out what is really going on. Like Horror films, most comedies run around 90 minutes with a short first act setting up the funny problem, a longer second act with many funny obstacles and twists and finally a fast third act wrapping up the story with a funny, but satisfying ending. Marty gets back to the future, The couple finds love despite their relationship being built on lies or the brother in law cops catch the bad guy and find respect for each other.
Join us next time for Part 2 of The Craft of Screenwriting: Genres
Screen Writer Ink
Fade In Is Just The Beginning